Global presence, global responsibility.

We believe creating long-term, sustainable value is paramount in our interconnected world.

Our Vision

Communication is the foundation of human relationships. Our vision for investing is driven by the passion we have for connecting communities around the world, effecting positive change through access to digital infrastructure and communications technology.

As we continue to invest across the communications ecosystem, the Firm has bridged the divide in an increasing number of unserved and underserved communities, assisting residents through connectivity and access to information, services, and meaningful work, and driving the performance of local businesses.

Our Philosophy

As we continue to invest across the communications ecosystem, the Firm has bridged the divide in an increasing number of unserved and underserved communities, assisting residents through connectivity and access to information, services, and meaningful work, and driving the performance of local businesses.

Our Pillars

As we continue to invest across the communications ecosystem, the Firm has bridged the divide in an increasing number of unserved and underserved communities, assisting residents through connectivity and access to information, services, and meaningful work, and driving the performance of local businesses.

Supporting Our Communities

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Our Reports

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed rhoncus tincidunt pellentesque. Maecenas venenatis fringilla vehicula. Aenean vel lorem at lorem faucibus volutpat. Suspendisse consectetur maximus lacus, ut rutrum nisl. Aenean viverra aliquet erat, sit amet vestibulum est vulputate non. Donec vitae tortor vel tortor mattis vehicula. Donec auctor bibendum augue a elementum. Mauris aliquam vestibulum purus, sed pellentesque metus suscipit vitae. Nulla facilisi. Etiam et arcu ut leo dapibus efficitur quis in nulla. Sed pellentesque hendrerit lorem, ut laoreet risus. Proin consequat nisi tortor, eu ornare libero mollis sollicitudin. In nec bibendum arcu, in ultrices tortor. Etiam varius mi vitae lorem luctus consectetur. Proin blandit a justo ut pulvinar.

Our Philosophy

“Our values-based philosophy defines who we are as a Firm and sets us apart as investors. As a fiduciary, we have sought to honor the confidence of our investors by going beyond a blanket, one-size-fits all ESG pledge to a tailored, meaningful commitment, one that fully demonstrates our dedication to responsible and sustainable business practices.”

David J. Grain, Founder & CEO

Our Pillars

We believe our ability to measure our own commitment, driving alignment within the Firm and across the Grain ecosystem, is at the heart of our success. We continuously monitor the achievement of our goals through the lens of our four pillars which have help drive performance across the portfolio.


Board & Senior Management Diversity


Community Engagement


Sustainability & Environmental Stewardship


Public / Private Partnerships

Supporting Our Communities

“Since our founding in 1906, we’ve been focused exclusively on rural communities that are traditionally either underinvested or ignored by the big national players. We think it’s important for those communities to have the same access to the state-of-the-art services that you might get in a so-called NFL city.”

Alan Morse, Executive Chairman of Ritter Communications

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